Saturday, August 21, 2010

Can anyone please help me with a web quest?

I'm really not sure how to go about doing this. Can you please help explain this to me? Thanks so much! :)

1. Make a table with the following figures down the left-hand column:


Rectangle, but not a square

Rhombus, but not a rectangle

Quadrilateral, general

Parallelogram, not a rectangle or rhombus

Trapezoid, not isosceles

Isosceles trapezoid

Triangle, general

Isosceles triangle, not equilateral

Equilateral triangle

Right triangle, not isosceles

Isosceles right triangle

2. Across the top of your table, make column headings for the following:

Probability of 2 randomly chosen angles being congruent.

Probability of 2 randomly chosen sides being congruent.

Probability of 2 consecutive angles being congruent.

Probability of 2 consecutive sides being congruent.

Write up your findings in a document that contains all of the information you found. Answers should be put in the form of a fraction or percent. If you can create a table to display your information do or just list answers.Can anyone please help me with a web quest?
Square - all sides congruent, all angles congruent

Rectangle, but not a square - two pair sides not consecutive congrunt, all angles congruent

Rhombus, but not a rectangle - all sides congruent, two pair angles not consecutive congruent

Quadrilateral, general - nothing congruent

Parallelogram, not a rectangle or rhombus - two pairs sides non consecutive congruent

Trapezoid, not isosceles - nothing congruent

Isosceles trapezoid - two sides non consecutive congruent, two angles non consecutive congruent

Triangle, general - nothing congruent

Isosceles triangle, not equilateral - two sides consecutive congruent, two angles non consecutive congruent

Equilateral triangle - three sides congruent, three angles congruent

Right triangle, not isosceles - nothing congruent

Isosceles right triangle - two sides consecutive congruent, two angles non consecutive congruent

With those descriptions, you should be able to figure out the probabilties.

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