Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Can someone write a trial script of the fairy tale Jack and The Beanstalk?

I have to write a trial script on Jack and the Beanstalk?

Defending Jack.

in the script it has to have 18 questions and answered.

the script has to include the fairy, jack, jacks mother, one of the villagers, and the harp.

you can start like this:

BAILIFF 鈥?Hear ye, hear ye. Fairy Tale court is now in session. All rise for the Honorable Judge Sanders.

(EVERYONE rises)

JUDGE 鈥?Thank you. You may all be seated. This is the case of (Witch, Wolf, Giant) versus (The pigs, Hansel and Gretel, Jack). The prosecution may make its opening statement.

PROSECUTION 鈥?OPENING STATEMENT (at least 3-5 minutes in length: A brief summary of who you are accusing, what you are accusing him/her/them of, and how you intend on proving it. EVERY TIME AN ATTORNEY SPEAKS THEY MUST STAND).

JUDGE 鈥?Thank you prosecution. Defense may now make its opening statement.

DEFENSE 鈥?OPENING STATEMENT (Same length and information as Prosecutions)

JUDGE 鈥揟hank you Defense. The Prosecution may now call its first witness to the stand.

PROSECUTION 鈥?Thank you, Your Honor. Prosecution would like to call (name of witness) to the stand.

(Witness called walks to the stand, places left hand on the book, and right hand in the air)

BAILIFF 鈥?Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?


(Witness takes a seat)

PROSECUTION questions the first witness. (PROSECUTION and DEFENSE must make a list of questions that they will ask EVERY witness (this means BOTH the Prosecution鈥檚 witnesses as well as the Defense鈥檚 witnesses). Each side needs to ask a total of 36 questions to ALL the witnesses COMBINED. You do NOT need to ask EVERY witness a question as long as you have a total of 36 questions asked of ALL the witnesses (both sides) combined. This part is SCRIPTED. This means that that ALL of prosecution鈥檚 questions should be written down in this script along with ALL of the answers for ALL of Prosecution鈥檚 witnesses. Prosecution is NOT allowed to make up the answers to the questions they will be asking Defense鈥檚 witnesses. The Defense鈥檚 witnesses will have to make this up on the spot.)

PROSECUTION 鈥?I have no more questions for this witness at this time Your Honor.

JUDGE 鈥?Defense you may now cross examine the witness.

DEFENSE cross examines Prosecution鈥檚 first witness. (Defense will ask the questions they made up for Prosecution鈥檚 first witness. This part is UNSCRIPTED. This means Once again Defense is NOT allowed to make up the answers to the questions they will be asking Prosecution鈥檚 witnesses. Prosecution鈥檚 witnesses will have to make this up on the spot.)

DEFENSE 鈥?I have no more questions for this witness at this time Your Honor.

JUDGE 鈥? (Name of witness) may step down. Prosecution may call its next witness to the stand.

(Everything highlighted in yellow will be repeated for EACH and EVERY witness that the Prosecution calls up to the stand.)

(Once all of Prosecution鈥檚 witnesses have been called and dismissed from the stand. . .

PROSECUTION 鈥?Prosecution rests Your Honor.

JUDGE 鈥?Defense may call its first witness to the stand.

DEFENSE 鈥?Defense would like to call (Name of Witness) to the stand.

BAILIFF 鈥?Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?


(Witness takes a seat)

DEFENSE questions the first witness. (This part is SCRIPTED. This means that that ALL of Defense鈥檚 questions should be written down in this script along with ALL of the answers for ALL of Defense鈥檚 witnesses.)

DEFENSE 鈥?I have no more questions for this witness at this time Your Honor.

JUDGE 鈥?PROSECUTION you may now cross examine the witness.

PROSECUTION cross examines Defense鈥檚 first witness. (Prosecution will ask the questions they made up for Defense鈥檚 first witness. This part is UNSCRIPTED. This means once again Prosecution is NOT allowed to make up the answers to the questions they will be asking Defense鈥檚 witnesses. Defense鈥檚 witnesses will have to make this up on the spot.)

PROSECUTION 鈥?I have no more questions for this witness at this time Your Honor.

JUDGE 鈥? (Name of witness) may step down. Defense may call its next witness to the stand.

(Everything highlighted in green will be repeated for EACH and EVERY witness that the Defense calls up to the stand.)

DEFENSE 鈥?The Defense rests your honor.

JUDGE 鈥?Prosecution may make its closing argument.

PROSECUTION 鈥?CLOSING ARGUMENT (at least 3-5 minutes in length: this is much like the conclusion of an essay where you restate your main point(s) and best argument(s)).

JUDGE 鈥?Thank you prosecution. Defense may now make its closing argument.

DEFENSE 鈥?CLOSING ARGUMENT (Same length and information as Prosecutions)

JUDGE 鈥?Thank you Defense. Court will now recess until the jury is finished deliberating.Can someone write a trial script of the fairy tale Jack and The Beanstalk?
Fair go mate,

This site is designed to augment learning, not to do your homework for you.

Besides, everyone knows Jack was guilty of fraud, trespass, break and enter, theft, burglary, criminal damage, murder, profiting from the proceeds of crime, handling stolen goods, perversion of justice, leaving the scene of an accident, leaving the scene of a crime, aiding and abetting, and basically being very naughty.

Did I mention murder?

Good luck with your homework.


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