Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm not sure that I believe that you are ';born gay';. Are you born left-handed?

First, let me say that I am a lesbian.

I realize that there have been scientific studies on the concept of being ';born gay';, but still, it's yet to be proven. They've just made connections, but not enough to draw a solid conclusion.

I tend to think of being gay in the same way I think of being left-handed. I don't think people force themselves to write with their left hand, but I feel like it has something to do with muscle memory from their upbringing. It's just that, by the time they were old enough to start writing, they were already set that way.

And I think left-handedness is an excellent comparison, because I know for a fact that you can't force a left-handed person to write with their right hand. They will physically be able to, sure, but it will never feel natural like writing with their left hand does. Eh? Following this? Not complicated.

So, are you born left-handed? Or is it something that you become because of how you do things in your earliest years growing up?

I really did mean no offense with this. I just want to get some other peoples' thoughts.I'm not sure that I believe that you are ';born gay';. Are you born left-handed?
Hmmm, good one. I don't think people are born sexual, they are asexual. Think of it as this: random thoughts, feelings, personal exchanges, behavours, upbringing and sociological situations tend to be the makeup of a lot of our personalities, but they are not things we are born with, therefore I would think that sexuality and expression are things you learned.

By the way, I am ambidextrous....lolI'm not sure that I believe that you are ';born gay';. Are you born left-handed?
i think everyone is born with curiosity, and sometimes it leads to things, that's all
Yeah but it's just easier/faster to say born gay. (Same with what hand you're dominant with)

I have no proof of born gay or after birth and frankly I don't really care. It's such a nice day outside :O
Actually, you CAN force someone to write with their off hand and it has been done and can have sever psychological consequences. Until pretty recently, many children who were born left-handed were forced, by tying their left hand down, to use their right hand. People are born with disticntive handedness and it reflects a lot about how their brain operates and which side is typically dominate.
I'm sure I was born both lesbian and left handed actually.

The studies on homosexuality actually have pretty compelling results and the signs they look at are true of me. (Both finger length and brain differences for lesbians - both related to levels of androgen exposure in the womb, and found in homosexual subjects.).

I would consistently reach for rattles etc with my left hand as a tiny infant, according to my parents. There are plenty of study results showing leftie's are born that way too. If you want links post in extra info and I'll track some down for you. :)

Edit to add: To add to Gloria's post, my Granddad had his left hand tied behind his back as a child to force him to write with his right hand.
I think you are born gay and left-handed, as well lol.

Your question, nature vs nurture, has been a hot topic for years.

I think it can be both... but I'm not sure. I prefer to think that you're just born that way, since I haven't come across a convincing argument that upbringing makes you gay. I mean, I saw a documentary once where a girl was brought up by two moms, and she declared herself as pansexual, and she dressed kind of butch, like her moms. But again, that's a mixture of nature vs nurture, and confises the hell out of me lol.

Idk. Love is love. =]
Psychologically speaking, it's pretty much accepted that we are born without gender-specific attraction and that our sexual preferences develop one way or the other, based upon the significance we as children put upon certain events throughout our formative years. We're not born gay, but nor are we born heterosexual.

We are however, born left or right-handed!

I've pretty much liked guys since kindergarten. I can even see it in my early school drawings and paintings.

Yep... gay.
Even though I disagree with your opinion, I respect it.

However, there is a flaw with the left-handed comparison... Those who are left-handed can, with practice, become comfortable with writing using their left hand (and vice-versa). A gay man cannot become straight by 'practice' with women.
I'm left handed AND gay. Take that, NATURE! :)
Left handed is something you're born with.

Being gay isn't something you're born with. I think that people can become gay if if they have a high level of the opposite gender's hormone, but there is no gene or anything for being gay.
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