I Can write with both hands, my right is my dominant. When i injured my right hand ( few times ) I could use my left day to day but not write. So are there any tips to hw to learn to write with your non-dominant hand?How can i learn to be ambidextrous?
A good way to start is by switching to mousing with your left hand, then brushing your teeth, then eating, etc. Writing is probably the hardest one and as others said it take a lot of practice.How can i learn to be ambidextrous?
Practice, like most things in life! Your muscles in your left hand will be significantly weaker than your right, since you've mostly used it your whole life. Using your left hand more often in exercises like writing will help strengthen and clarify your handwriting.
It's a matter of training the other half of your brain. Be sure to mimic the angle of the pen and paper. It's funny but now I have to stop and think of which hand to use...kind of a fun challenge...good luck
practice, practice, practice, I can now write with both hands, fowad, backwards and upside down
Just practice practice practice
you could write the alphabet like a million times with ur left try brushing ur teeth with ur left.. that's a hard one
lol well i waz born able too but my friends have tried and they did not succede but i guess will alot of practice trhen yes
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