Monday, August 16, 2010

Am i truly left handed or right? (I have a few questions in here)?

Not very positive.

My older sister tells me how she remembers that when i was young, i always used my left hand but my parents didn't like it so they kept forcing me to switch.

I remember being in Kindergarten and listening to my teacher complain about my horrible (unreadable!) penmanship.. but eventually i adapted.

so now i can use the right hand pretty well .

But now i'm practicing my left hand again.. but i've read in certain places that lefties draw a circle (or mix things) counter-clockwise and righties do it clockwise.

With my left hand, i write my O's counter-clockwise but i stir clockwise.

With my right hand, i write my O's counter-clockwise and mix counter-clockwise.

When I take brain dominance tests, it usually says that my right brain is dominant, by things like

58% to 42% or something.

I carry my purse/bookbag on my right shoulder.

I flip my hair to the right.

I switch hands to brush my hair

I'm verrryyy artistic

i like math

im sensitive

very observant

and i daydream.


What do you guys think i really am? and what i should do?

keep practicing my left, or will that mess things up?

Thanks for your timeAm i truly left handed or right? (I have a few questions in here)?
you could be both. its very rare, but possible. i knew a friend that could use both hands for different things. its a rare talent and i would embrace it.

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